
顧問傑拉爾德溫伯格的書單(Gerald Weinberg’s Recommended Books List)


《創意人的思考 Conceptual Blockbusting》Adams
《視覺思考的經驗 Experiences in Visual Thinking》McKim
《Tools for Thought》Waddington
《Wisdom of Idiots》Shah, Idries
《Are Your Lights On?你想通了嗎》Weinberg
《An Introduction to General Systems Thinking》Weinberg
《On the Design of Stable Systems》Weinberg
《卡內基溝通與人際關係How to Win Friends and Influence People》Carnegie
《People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts》
《On Becoming a Counselor》Kennedy, Eugene
《How to Make Meetings Work》Doyle
《Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews》Weinberg
《Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used》Block
《Mastering Resistance》Anderson
《聯合家族治療Conjoint Family Therapy》Satir
《新家庭如何塑造人 New Peoplemaking》Satir
《Trust: A New View of Personal and Organizational Development》Gibb
《Consulting for Organization Change》Steele
《The Consulting Process in Action》Lippitt
《Feedback and Organizational Development: Using Data-based Methods》Nadler
《Consulting to Management》Greiner
《Consulting: The Complete Guide to a Profitable Career》Kelley
《The Lifelong Learner》Gross
《與人接觸Making Contact》Satir
《心的面貌Your Many Faces》Satir
《On Personal Power》Rogers
《成為一個人On Becoming a Person》Rogers
《A Way of Being》Rogers
《幸福之到The Conquest of Happiness》Russell, Bertrand


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